Pakistan |
Phytosanitary Certificate and Import Permit are required.
The person in Pakistan wanting the plants will need to apply for an import permit.
Here is the contact information: Director of the Department of Plant Protection
Import Permit applications must include:
The import permit will give the specific requirements for the plants to enter Pakistan.
A copy of the import permit will need to be provided to the exporter with an English translation in the same format or layout of the import permit.The exporter will then attach a scanned copy to the phyto application. The plants must be shipped before the import permit expires. An example permit is available upon request (From Bamboo Plantation, just email us).
When the plants are shipped, Pakistan will need to be notified of the expected arrival date. See Below.
Notice of Arrival Notice of the expected date of arrival must be given to the Director of the Department of Plant Protection or a plant quarantine officer. Upon arrival, the Director of the Department of Plant Protection should be informed of the IP number, name of the carrier, country and locality of origin, and the name and quantity of the commodities.