Bamboo Plantation Garden Center

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Ordering Instructions and Information


History: Our current ordering process today is much easier than it has been in the past. Our older ordering procedures required that the customer selected their items, provide their shipping details and then request a quote. Stocking levels were then checked and shipping costs were calculated based on the order and sent back to the customer. Although this reduced shipping costs by providing custom shipping calculations, it greatly increased the time it took to process an order by having to communicate 2 and 3 times in order to finalize the order. If corrections and recalculation were necessary then the lead time lengthened, sometimes significantly.

The other choice would have been to charge flat rate shipping. This is fine for speed and efficiency, but the downside is that the customer cost is significantly higher.

Payment was made either through the PayPal gateway directly by the customer, by check/MO, by calling their credit card in or by safe but unsecure method of splitting their CC # across unencrypted email, increasing the order lead time as well.

Current ordering procedures: The current ordering process now follows the bullet list steps below:

  • On most of the pages of the web site you will see a Login Menu which allows you to register or to login into the web site. If you've forgotten your user ID or password, links in the menu will help you recover or reset them by emailing the information to your email account on file. Please review our Conditions of Use Policy and Privacy Policy. You will have to agree to them in order to register, this is standard practice on most web sites today and is designed to protect both parties in most transactions.  Please note: We do not have access to your password, it is encrypted. It can only be reset, we have no way of reading your password.
  • Although it is not necessary to register or login to use our online catalog, you won't be able to proceed through the checkout process until you do.
  • Browse the catalog at your leisure, add any items of interest to your shopping cart. If you happen to browse away from the web site, or log out, the items will remain in your cart until you return to the web site. This allows you to continue shopping at a later time.
  • Once you are satisfied with your selection, you can proceed to checkout. Note also that you can delete, add or remove items from the shopping cart at any point in the checkout process. Please Note: We now use SSL encryption for registering, logging in and checkout to help ensure a secure transaction.
  • If you have a discount, coupon or gift certificate you can enter the code on any of the shopping cart pages at any time. However please note that the discount may be reflected in the total but is not itemized until the last page of the checkout process - the confirmation page (Complete Order Page).  Discount codes are not case specific.
  • The first page in the checkout line is the shipping address. The default is to ship to the address that you have on file when you registered. If you wish to ship to another address you can enter the information on this page. Please Note: We are not responsible for incorrectly entered addresses. If the shipping address that you entered is incorrect, UPS will attempt to identify the correct shipping address. If they can't resolve the incorrect shipping address they will return the item to the shipper. At no time do they contact the shipper for an updated address. They charge significant fees to either correct the address or returning the item, that includes contacting the receiver to update the address. The CUSTOMER will be responsible for covering any extra shipping charges.
  • The next step in the checkout line is the shipping method. It now includes accurate shipping costs and you can choose which method you would prefer.
  • The next step is the payment method. We now offer the following payment methods:
    • Credit Card - We securely process your credit card directly. You will see a reference to Bamboo Plantation on your Credit Cards statement whenever we process your transaction.
    • PayPal - You will be passed directly through our PayPal gateway to securely provide your payment information directly to PayPal. Please Note: You can also use your Credit Card directly on their Payment Gateway Platform, it is not necessary to have an account with them in order to use this process, which is very secure.
    • Check - You may pay by check by printing out your order and mailing a copy of your order and the check to the address payment address provided below. Please write your order number on your check.
    • Money Order - The same procedure for checks are used for paying via MO.
  • The last step in the checkout line is the confirmation page. Please check over all of the information provided to make sure its correct. If it isn't you can click on the icons above to jump back to any point in the checkout process to correct or edit items in your order. You can also provide any notes, comments or special instructions in the comment box on the bottom of this page. When you are satisfied with your order just press the confirm order button and your order will be sent and processed.
  • You will receive a copy of your order sent to your email account on file. If you see any errors in the order please contact us by phone or email as soon as possible and we will be happy to work with you to correct it.
  • You can also check the status of your order by logging in and clicking on the Account Maintenance link in the Login Menu. Whenever your order ships a tracking number will be posted to your order and can be accessed through the same link.
  • We process orders in the order that we receive them so during the busy season it may take a couple of days to process your order.

The new ordering procedures listed above will greatly speed up your order and reduce errors. If you don't feel comfortable ordering online you can still place your order by phone at the contact information listed below. Please note that we may be with another customer or away from the desk, so please leave a message in that case and we will return your call as soon as possible. Please use the numbers listed below for ordering. Our time is very limited so we don't always have much time for just chatting. If you are looking for information please check our FAQ pages or the Forum for the answer that you are looking for. It may have already been answered in those formats. If you don't find the answer there please shoot us an email instead of calling. Note only will be able to provide you with more information that way, its a way of recording and remembering our exchange with you on the many subjects we have to address every day.

Again thank you for your business!! And we look forward to growing with you!

The Staff


Contact information:

Mailing address:

Bamboo Plantation
709 Hwy 84 W
Brookhaven, MS 39601

Office #: 601-833-5669
Mobile #: 601-695-1818

Email Address: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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