Name | SKU | Price | Thumbnail Image | Description | Update |
'Amagasa' Azalea | AMAG | $14.99 | 'Amagasa' Azalea - A small Satsuki hybrid. Blooms are deep pinkish/orange and appear in spring and fall. | Product Details | |
'Arabesque' Azalea | ARAB | $14.99 | 'Arabesque' Azalea - A small Girard hybrid with pink/red blooms that appear twice a year. | Product Details | |
'Christina' Azalea | CHRI | $14.99 | 'Christina' Azalea - A small to medium size Girard hybrid with hot pink, double ruffled blooms that appear spring and fall. | Product Details | |
'Christmas Cheer' Azalea | CHCH | $14.99 | 'Christmas Cheer' Azalea - A medium to large Kurume hybrid, with deep red blooms. Foliage turns deep red in fall and winter. | Product Details | |
'Conversation Piece' Azalea | CONP | $14.99 | 'Conversation Piece' Azalea - A Robin Hill hybrid. One bush will display tri-colored blooms of white with pink variegation and single colors of pink or purple. | Product Details | |
'Copperman' Azalea | CMAN | $14.99 | 'Copperman' Azalea - A medium size Glen Dale hybrid with large orange/red blooms that appear spring and fall. | Product Details | |
'Coral Bells' Azalea | CBEL | $14.99 | 'Coral Bells' Azalea - A miniature Kurume Hybrid from Japan. Coral pink hose in hose blooms. | Product Details | |
'Daphne Salmon' Indica Azalea | INDS | $14.99 | 'Daphne Salmon'- Large growing Southern Indica with Salmon Pink blooms | Product Details | |
'Delaware Valley' Azalea | DELV | $14.99 | 'Delaware Valley' Azalea - A Mucronatum cultivar. Blooms are bright white against dark green foliage. | Product Details | |
'Fashion' Azalea | FASH | $14.99 | 'Fashion' Azalea - A medium to large size Glen Dale hybrid. Blooms hose in hose, coral pink with dark pink throats and appear twice yearly. | Product Details | |
'Formosa Lavender' Indica Azalea | INFL | $14.99 | 'Formosa Lavender' Indica. Very large growing southern azalea with lavender/pink blooms. | Product Details | |
'Formosa Pink' Indica Azalea | INFP | $14.99 | 'Formosa Pink' Indica. A large growing southern azalea with large pink/lavender blooms. | Product Details | |
'Formosa Red' Azalea | INFR | $14.99 | Formosa Red - Southern Indica azalea with deep pink/red blooms in early spring. | Product Details | |
'G G Gerbing' Indica Azalea | INGG | $14.99 | 'G G Gerbing' - A large growing Southern Indica azalea with white blooms in early spring. | Product Details | |
'George Tabor' Indica Azalea | INGT | $14.99 | 'George Tabor' Azalea - Large Southern Indica with variegated pink and white blooms | Product Details | |
'Glacier' Azalea | GLAC | $14.99 | 'Glacier' Glen Dale hybrid. Large white flowers tinged with green. | Product Details | |
'Gumpo Pink' Azalea | GUMP | $14.99 | 'Gumpo Pink' Azalea - A Satsuki Hybrid with single pink ruffled blooms. Great for seacoast exposure. | Product Details | |
'Gumpo Red' Azalea | GUMR | $14.99 | 'Gumpo Red' Satsuki hybrid. A cold hardy miniature azalea with red wavy overlapping petals. | Product Details | |
'H H Hume' Azalea | HHHU | $14.99 | 'H H Hume' Kurume hybrid.Medium size azalea with large, bright white funnel shaped blooms. | Product Details | |
'Hampton Beauty' Azalea | HAMB | $14.99 | 'Hampton Beauty' A Pericat hybrid. Blooms are funnel shaped, medium pink with darker candy pink borders or striping. | Product Details |