Bamboo Plantation Garden Center


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Results 21 - 40 of 47
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'Hardy Gardenia' Azalea HGAR $14.99 'Hardy Gardenia' A dwarf Satsuki hybrid with white ruffled hose in hose blooms that appear spring and fall. Product Details
'Herbert' Azalea HERB $14.99 'Herbert' Gable hybrid. Frilled hose in hose blooms of pinkish lavender with darker blotches. Product Details
'Hershey's Red' Azalea HERS $14.99 'Hershey's Red' - A Kurume azalea with bright red double blooms. Product Details
'Hino Crimson' Azalea HINC $14.99 'Hino Crimson' Azalea - A Kurume cultivar with dark red blooms. Popular for Zen gardens. Product Details
'Hino Degiri' Azalea HIND $14.99 'Hinode Giri' - A cold hardy Kurume hybrid. Blooms are vivid red in early spring. Product Details
'Hot Shot' Azalea HOTS $14.99 'Hot Shot' Azalea - A small Girard hybrid.Single red/orange blooms in spring and fall. Product Details
'Judge Solomon' Indica Azalea INJS $14.99 'Judge Solomon'- Large growing Southern Indica azalea with rose pink blooms in spring. Product Details
'King's White' Indica Azalea INKW $14.99 'King's White' - A Belgian Indica azalea with large white, long lasting blooms. Product Details
'Macrantha Orange' Azalea MACO $14.99 'Macrantha Orange' - A Satsuki hybrid with medium coral orange blooms that appear in spring and fall. Product Details
'Macrantha Pink' Azalea MACP $14.99 'Macrantha Pink' - A Satsuki hybrid with deep, candy pink, double blooms in spring and fall. Product Details
'Massasoit' Azalea MASS $14.99 'Massasoit' Azalea - Medium size, Allen hybrid with strong red blooms against very dark green foliage. Product Details
'Mildred' Azalea MILD $14.99 'Mildred' Azalea - A compact growing Kurume hybrid with deep lavender blooms. Product Details
'Mother's Day' Azalea MDAY $14.99 'Mother's Day' Azalea - A medium size Kurume hybrid with rose pink blooms. Product Details
'Pink Pearl' Azalea PPRL $14.99 'Pink Pearl' - A dwarf Kurume hybrid with large clusters of hose in hose two toned pink blooms. Product Details
'Pink Ruffles' Azalea PKRU $14.99 'Pink Ruffles' - A Rutherford hybrid with pink/violet clusters of semi double blooms. Product Details
'President Claeys' Indica Azalea INPC $14.99 'President Claeys' - Large Southern Indica with orange/red blooms. Product Details
'Pride of Mobile' Indica Azalea INPM $14.99 'Pride of Mobile' - Large Southern Indica. Blooms are rose pink, with red splotches. A.k.a., 'Water Melon' Product Details
'Prince of Orange' Indica Azalea INPO $14.99 'Prince of Orange' Azalea, Large Southern Indica, Dark Orange/Red blooms Product Details
'Purple Ruffles' Azalea PURR $14.99 'Purple Ruffles' Azalea - A medium size Gable hybrid with ruffled lavender blooms, spring and fall. Product Details
'Red Ruffles' Azalea REDR $14.99 'Red Ruffles' Azalea - A medium Rutherford hybrid with red semi-double, ruffled blooms, spring and fall. Product Details

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